Steve Smith and Roger the alien |
An alien in the attic, a talking goldfish
with the brain of a German guy, a GOP-loving father, left-wing activist
daughter, cocky 14 year-old son and a clueless mother. That is the Smith
family, the main characters in
American Dad!. This award-winning American Sitcom
first aired on FOX but is now aired around the world on many stations. So far
over 160 episodes have aired and a new season is announced for the summer of
What makes this series so successful is its
hilarious combination of classic American sitcom humour and absurd comedy.
Especially Stan (the father) and Roger (the extraterrestrial) provide plenty of
opportunity for absurd situations. Stan is a secret agent with the CIA and
always carries his gun to protect his family and American values. Roger is an
alien whose gender is never specified and whose sexual preferences are
virtually limitless. He is also a master of disguise, being able to disguise
himself to the point where the Smith family don't even recognise him anymore.
The Smith family |
Steve is the family's 14-year old son. He
is the second child and the youngest. Stan often considers Steve to not be “a
real man” and every now and then attempts to make Steve more masculine by
taking him hunting and do other 'manly' things. Steve is generally friendly
with Roger but his best friend is Snot, another 14-year old who's in school
with Steve. They often devise plans together, generally with the goal to get
(older) girls, which invariably result in hilarious payoffs and failures. Roger
also often comes up with devious schemes, usually to make money or achieve some
of his other personal goals. These are sometimes much more ruthless, since
Roger generally has no problems sacrificing others to achieve his own goals.
A great point of strength in this series is
its continuity. True, there are several series out there with better
continuity, but for an animated sitcom, American Dad! does exceptionally well.
Some examples or this are Roger, who in the first two seasons wasn't allowed to
go outside the house. An adventure during one episode made Stan realise Roger's
talent in disguising himself. Ever since Roger has been building a considerable
collection of clothes, shoes and wigs to allow him to go outside more often. He
has grown much happier since he's allowed to go out and uses his freedom for a
variety of purposes. Other comparable sitcoms, such as Family Guy – Seth
McFarlane's other hit show – don't even come near the level of continuity in
American Dad!.
Another source of hilarity is the
relationship between Hayley and Stan. Hayley is Stan and Francine's daughter
and oldest child. She is a hippie-like left-wing activist. She protests pretty
much everything Stan stands for: capitalism, free gun ownership, the meat
industry and the CIA's policies and practises. Over the course of several
seasons Hayley was in a relationship with Jeff, a 'proper' hippie, who Stan
believes to be a deadbeat. Jeff disappears from the series after Rogers has his
people take Jeff back to their home planet, instead of Roger.
Stan Smith during the intro |
As mentioned, Stan is often a source of
absurd hilarity. Being an emotional and irrational, insensitive, inconsiderate
conservative and self-proclaimed American patriot, he often takes to extreme
measures to achieve his goal. At one point he framed his wife so as not to hear
her say “I told you so” and in another episode he tries to get an atheist
friend by spreading bird flu at his restaurant, taking away his children,
brainwashing his wife to think she's a lesbian and blowing up his home. It is
also revealed he takes Francine to a hypnotist every year to make her forget
about bad things he's done over the previous year. The hypnotist reverses the
effects after Stan goes to get a sandwich and doesn't offer him one for the
umpteenth consecutive year.
Francine is Stan's wife and the mother of
the family. She is often considered to be a moralistic nagging wife, who
constantly scolds her family (Stan in particular) over their wrongdoings. She
has a very paradoxical personality, often making remarks or performing actions
that are completely inappropriate and sometimes unwholesome.
This motley crew all result in a generally
hilarious American sitcom, which can be enjoyed by people from all over the
world, even the ones without knowledge of American culture. The new season is
definitely something to look forward to!
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