zaterdag 18 oktober 2014

Comedy Analysis: Deadpan

A funny line with a 'dead pan'
Also known as dry humour or dry wit, the term deadpan is derived from the words “dead pan” where pan is a slang word for face. Therefore deadpan means “dead face” meaning expressionless face. Deadpan is the delivery of a humorous, sarcastic, blunt or apparently unintentional statement with a neutral face. This can add to the effectiveness of a joke, whilst also testing the observational limits and awareness (and thus the implied intelligence) of the audience. Especially British comedy often relies on this.

Many British comedians and television series use a lot of deadpan. For instance Mike in The Young Ones is famous for his deadpan one-liners used for comic effect. Often these can be confusing, such as his response when Rick asks him if he stole his apple: “Well, if you're gonna sin you might as well be original”.This can be seen as a reference to John Calvin's description of original sin, which includes theft.
Another popular British show frequently utilizing deadpan is Blackadder. The show's main protagonist, Edmund Blackadder, often makes dry witty statements and insults with a completely straight face. In one of the episodes of the final series, Blackadder goes forth, the following conversation takes place, where Blackadder tries to prove Capt. Darling is a German spy and remains completely deadpan up until the final sentence:

            Blackadder: What is the colour of the Queen of England's favourite hat?
            Darling: How the bloody hell am I supposed to know?!
            Blackadder: I see...Well, let me ask you another question. Who is the      German head of state?
            Darling: Well, Kaiser Wilhelm, obviously.
            Blackadder: (furiously) So you're on first name terms with the kaiser, are you?!

Not only British humour uses deadpan, it is increasingly common in American humour as well. Some well-known American series that use deadpan include Seinfeld, Adventure Time, The Office and Arrested Development. In series like Seinfeld not all characters utilize deadpan, as it is mainly George who remains expressionless during most of his screen-time. In Adventure Time deadpan is mostly utilized when characters make a statement or remark which is not weird or humorous to them, as it fits their universe. For the viewer however, their universe in itself is weird enough and some of the deadpan remarks can be absolutely hilarious. Especially when characters like Lumpy Space Princess and Princess Bubblegum make a joke or hilarious comment, they are usually completely deadpan.

To sum up, deadpan has been around for a while and isn't going anywhere soon. It is becoming increasingly popular in humour and comedy on both sides of the Atlantic as well as in on-line comedy. It's funny and puts the audience to the test, which in itself can have hilarious results. It rightfully deserves its place in comedy.

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